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High frequency PLL with software control

Our specialised RF department was tasked with designing a C band RF PLL (Phased Lock Loop) for a customer as well as writing the control software for this product to interface with the customers software.

The PLL was simulated, designed and built and using our extensive knowledge and experience of PLLs (and other frequency synthesis products) coupled with our ability to extract the very last dB of performance we surpassed the requirements and expectations of our customer.

The software, written in C, provided low level driver capability to interface with the hardware designed by the RF department. A software interface was defined between the clients software solution and the low level software used for direct control of the PLL to convert the high level channel numbers as used by the user and to convert these to the format for use by the PLL.

Due to the close working and deep understanding between the two disciplines within Zenetec the PLL performance surpassed the user requirements.