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Case studies outlining key examples of our work

Below is a small selection of case studies which help to demonstrate our capabilities. Please click on a link for further details or contact us for details of how we can help your business idea come to life.

Case study 1: UHF amplifier

Design of OFDM, high power, highly linear, wide band balanced amplifier.

Case study 2: Digital bank customer

Design of digital circuitry and PCB for use in the banking sector.

Case study 3: Miniature audio amplifier

Design of very small, very low power, analogue, audio PCB utilising the latest miniature SMD components.

Case study 4: High frequency PLL with software control
Design of L Band PLL for use in satellite communications modem.

Case study 5: Active Oscilloscope Probe
Design of a high impedance oscilloscope probe for the test and measurement market.

To discuss how we can help you please contact us.